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5 simple tips to always look Fashionable

1. Fit matters the MOST

This is the golden rule . Wear clothes that fit you , too loose and it makes you look hefty and if its too tight it looks like you're clothes are trying to strangle you ! Dressing well is all about the fit, guys.

( Look out for a complete mens -fit guide in the upcoming posts ! )

Difference between a bad fit and a good fit.

2. Black always works

Not sure what to wear for a night out or a formal party? Black is always a win-win. No matter if you’re thin or fat , short or tall, black looks the best. Just remember the answer is always BATMAN (black).


3. No-No to Square toed shoes.

Say NO to Square Toed Shoes. Just throw them NOW !!! Wear round or pointed shoes instead. Even if you do end up getting the girl , no one will ever take you seriously.

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4. Matching your shoes with your belt.

An easy way to dress up well is to co-ordinate your belt with your shoes (not everytime). Belts and shoes-- they should match in some situations like with dress shoes or a business outfit like a suit. If you have chinos or jeans, you have more flexibility. If you are wearing casual shoes, the sky is the limit. It just has to coordinate with the outfit.

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5. Shirt tip

A lot of people wear tshirts/vests inside a shirt which is totally visible and ruins look of the shirt. Now, instead of wearing a white vest , you wear a grey vest ( or any other color resembling your skin) inside, it camouflages with the shirt worn.

Voila !!

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