5 simple tips to always look Fashionable
1. Fit matters the MOST
This is the golden rule . Wear clothes that fit you , too loose and it makes you look hefty and if its too tight it looks like you're clothes are trying to strangle you ! Dressing well is all about the fit, guys.
( Look out for a complete mens -fit guide in the upcoming posts ! )

2. Black always works
Not sure what to wear for a night out or a formal party? Black is always a win-win. No matter if you’re thin or fat , short or tall, black looks the best. Just remember the answer is always BATMAN (black).

3. No-No to Square toed shoes.
Say NO to Square Toed Shoes. Just throw them NOW !!! Wear round or pointed shoes instead. Even if you do end up getting the girl , no one will ever take you seriously.

4. Matching your shoes with your belt.
An easy way to dress up well is to co-ordinate your belt with your shoes (not everytime). Belts and shoes-- they should match in some situations like with dress shoes or a business outfit like a suit. If you have chinos or jeans, you have more flexibility. If you are wearing casual shoes, the sky is the limit. It just has to coordinate with the outfit.

5. Shirt tip
A lot of people wear tshirts/vests inside a shirt which is totally visible and ruins look of the shirt. Now, instead of wearing a white vest , you wear a grey vest ( or any other color resembling your skin) inside, it camouflages with the shirt worn.
Voila !!